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\Ves!on’5 Digestive :;:;,:‘::‘t“,‘:’;£,“:“:£3*‘:.‘:;:
Mad 5 ur if.'i..r.r,r§.’.I’m‘”'“‘ ““’“
N the smart te;i»rooms of the Strand and
Piccadilly—at the London mat1nees—
biscuits like these form a (lEllC1DUS treat in the dmly afternoon tea
Weston‘s are made from original Old Country recipes with the innmtable flavor and quality of biscuits as they are made in England
65 they are made in En§1and~
great mistake to mix before the guest than :1 is served any of these additions to the ‘ ‘ 7 d;5h_ Cl’lI1‘lmJLll\}I
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The dish of1'elisILesta be passed ajfm the r11(Iimd,,,,,‘ plate is se,.ve,1.1u1t,]i. T100 and L'Z(I‘)‘]/, If 1:151]/lIiyi~: dressed thi7Ll1/-sliced tomato, clxopplcd. Izm'(I—huilu(l (‘r/‘r/V elumley, grnltcd f'I'GS]L cnoouuut, .s'lic¢'(l ,)(l7l(I)7({N, lillfilt bay Duck and tlI_'cssecl elm-pped |(‘Il('I!I7ll)(’I" 117m-h relish has its separate serziuiy .-puma
I‘|'L‘llll\' \tl"\LAl 1 nothing more mil; «Meir Hi
pal.m~‘ um,‘
proparetl. The I‘.1l.\’ll|rL‘Iilm.1" a g|1<l:H0r}'<cn<.1(1<v1\ 'I'hi-' v of the curried lTl|‘.'1l, llu l7lri'l\ rice; the ~:\\cel, of the int V cocoanur, the acid of llze lli cucumber; the ntranee '\.)\v)2l Vi Ernnbay Duck, th: |.t~1 zest of chutnev. ll"l\«”lL’l ents of true clmtm-3. ml ii. secret of its cnrirrm I r-h l
in-sh [fH’]1ilFil’1Ll,l'£1i~lll\,t‘|l!filZl
The secret nf proper service is the keeping absolutely separate of curry, rice and relishes, until the guest does his own arranging on his own plate. The rice is placed before the hostess in one serving dish. the curry in another, and the gravy in :1 beat. The side dishes and gravy are passed to each guest when he has been serretl uith rice and curry. The hostess will see in serving these, that the proportion of riccis t\\-'icethatot'tl1ecurr_v. orange peel cr_\~Ialli'/t-tl, rm
After all. the form is exactly like our cryslallizctl, fresh grtmi own in serving meat and vegetables, dry ginger, dry but for some reason or other our Bermuda anions, tendency has been In dispense curries supzlr, cider iince. , much as we do a 5rew—which is high , . and all auetl at ' anathema to the experienced curr_\- before mine’ 'l'lIt'H', 9?‘l¢l‘- eharnlwrlain nas nrmi in
There is nothing more decorative for ynu.
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.. - ‘ H A l""’[””’”"I/ IIH«""vl't'7‘ 0/ lVim1.i)u’[I Sl.’u,I:':Il/ Club, N‘lIn {I111 “lint war]: 17:. the club z:u7'n1'wIl held in mirl-Murcli ix Mi.-ix /'1'!/I/H ‘l"7'I/M/('4' “I Mr’. tLII(l Mrs. J. C. Holden. 1l"in,nf]Il'(/- 7'/””’~'/ll’ H her lecnli. Mimi Pm/1;” was mm of the r/rump of IVru7III"V” -iii’ ulruferu, who crnnlin-nil Hf! mm!” /lIl1llJ7‘8’tlf '[}fl1lff ll’in(t'r C,’""H .M IVIixH Holden in rt [/runrllluuf/ILtei' 0 Mr. Gear]/1' H. “"l"’“"
l'l"'i1: H,‘I[)('_4/