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lightness and elasticity. showing scores of beautiful new designs in all colors of leathers.

89 Yonge Street. Toronto

Tl” /"W51 Of H"!-"s'|’.V‘r In even‘ dulittuc new vlmdu

mas he had ur rmr Hover)" Depunmt-nt.

Slippers and Oxfords ‘‘

A SPECIAL feature of rnilady's slippers this season is their dainty

We are



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Caal white ll‘Y(lft’1‘—ll'll.(’S‘rl7_I(l lzrnrul g,-Mn, (muss flan! rcrtlr.x'rn-:‘r1I1y an the strié silk .s‘1I1‘f(lt'c 0] rlris must

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aeIebru.te:l Lonrlnz_r Hu_z(.s't- for rlslffll ——a eltie sug_r/cshon jar the Illumi- ltillt’

ONCE upon a time, and this is not .1 faery tale, nor so very long ago those tin)‘ glasses and lZ||'_L!C|' tall- stcnuncd broad ones and the crystal affairs known as decanters were found only in antique shops displayed proudly by the proprietor as cherished relics of a dim and mellow age. Of a sudden there is :1 change; truly coming events cast their shadoxrs, pretty ones at that in clear crystal, delicate amber. soft green, or in luscious Bishop's purple. Liqueurs in greenaud crystal that are copies of old Colonial glasses uirlr square hases are $14.00 a do’/en in William juuor‘s. The same firm shows Bishop’5 purple izoblets with crystal stems, perfectly plain and beautiful at Simon for twelve. .-\ Belgian crystal Wlnl: set in soft blue with a decanter is

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