mmnlydressed Caiiadinn n i]] 15w l:Ol'llCl’Vfll|Vl.‘ precceleiiis iii (electlngliis clothes both for formal nlwenrforthecomingscasnii, ' ta-lfaflmasculinc slyli: arc liflppily ‘T5 depart from traditions Hlllcll In finlly English. Only fJCCi‘l'il(In. n"y.i,».bpc able to oliserve some Irund fi°'l'n'g]1'¢Kmode which has been, perlinps, unéomdfusly brought inin icmporiiry ular nvor. Wing dinner font in black will he \\'l)r|] at ‘an >inci-ea§ing_ mirnl-ier ol llllltllrrfls whuelformality is losing ground to in. fonnlllty, but for really crtrri:-ct near the}; in a decided reaction in f.1vcii- rif (gm return of: the dress cont at all frimml evening affairs \_vliere ladies are prescin Tho,-¢ is definite‘ preference for ilm butterfly bow _wiih the tiixeilo, im- straight batsiving oci:um'lni:v second plnce. White \\'lng.S are helm}: “olrn Emaller, although latitude I5 periiiissilwlic in this matter.

The single or double breasted Cl'l(‘.~'iL'r_ field overcoat is being generally imm but one or two autlioriiiies \‘¢‘nt||ri_x in prophesy a return to favor of the ripera cloak, The top coat 5llUlllCl,i1Iflllllll1('~i, be consistent with the formal aiiire underneath. Incongruity in Enlflf 01' design is not desirable.

The black and wliite or gray silk muffler may be worn with the diriiicr

, coat and the oxford or hlack ElvlL'SvlCl’~ field overcoat, but a wliiic l\I‘llll'.‘(.l or crepe or silk muffler is used lor luriinial

occasions. The patent dress oxford is the correct footwear for fcirnial cvciiim: attire and for formal day xreillcliiiig nnid

, day reception. With the llL\'cLln it i~ proper to wear either a patent nr l.iitl oxford with plain toe but iviih the morning coat the shoe with me cap is needed. Spats, in vopziiv, are lmvering between white and pray, Lljzlll {nun is equally correct hui not in pnipiilnr favor.

The waistcoat is an impnri.-ii-ii iiini and for day weddings and ilay rccepiiiiii the correct attire is gray nr uliiie ur in match coat. For fni'iii:il c\ cnini: winr the waistcoat in wliiic silk Ill‘ l"ii:ncli pique, single or double brmsieil i: ii~i -J

Him.-.i.. llridilriiq. Formal Infavmul

Farmnl Day ll’riHin1 Dliflifltf

5 Day Ruepliun

COAT Jllnrk nr ilxliiril enl- nwny

OVERCOAT Chentnrfli-lrl ni flilllvllli‘

breasted frnrk riviil

WAIITCOA1‘ \\ iiiiii


To miurli mni Ill’ hlneult (lf griiv (IV whllo fnr wi-ililinizx

Tn mnieh rum iir rilrl i-d grny ll)’ lIll|fl( with white .|lI'lI1l‘.V Hlllhnilk

Sill! nr [‘Ill‘lIll'll Iini-n or white pinuv




Whltt-wings Black or whiiiv iir

gray fuur in hiniil. ntnwlng or nizrni


Black And \|'l|lll' i-ilk ur all whin-

Penrl iuii-ile. nr I'nwn lluniln or whiti- ehnmois

Putz-nt rlrm: nxii-ril-4. Wllllr or Ilizlii L{I'l|_V upnla

Black Illk

BOOT‘ l’uli~ni





Ponrl llnkn nnil !l||ll>l cruvnt plvi

0iima,aI/Iemiiinq lllflfllflllvl Huiln Dinnwi, Cunnlvv ii iiM lailim pimni S“"|7|i.yi“("-Ill l>vill[\‘(‘l( Ill’ 9‘lll|- i'i.i.i.ii.-i rim!‘ lvllIt‘l(. ivlnm iiliiw [iilllllvflli itiiii [-Ilnlllil Pivllllll-r ll iiii iiiiru

, h‘,,‘,,,,i_M,4[ ,,, i.,..,.,.. ['lIl\l ll\[ilfl‘l llr l-Iiii-k rlimver»

in swiiiil

iiri, iii TU nilillfll iiiiii, =iI=k lil’4'|If‘l Tu innirh l'”lll llll llllll !ll‘i'|‘|"n

lliiulii si-|'k , .‘ , ,_ ' . .i- 51 Ill l:|IH‘.‘ l“lII‘ll4‘ --r luv-in “'"r"'““ “l” ' “' ”‘ '

I'3‘1|l[‘|flifl' Hlllfl. HHI‘ l'l’ ll|‘lIl'\ Ill’ lwi» sliiiiliu ‘vlllllr s\i'l-II."‘*

. i‘l( |u\ “min ..r iiiiim Ill’ iiilimil ‘lllrilingmi iir liini-n l»im—.~liiilv -1 mi" Ill’ lHll‘l\|‘|lIlZ \viiii.- iiiiiiiiii i-r N"|"'

\\'li|ln filllwlv mi kiii

.;.: iv - rim (IN ll-l|llll'V tlfl \ nl

llllllrk .-ilk .. in ,.,.,,,i ,,, ,.w«ii..i llllll-i r ‘nmlumh

.I.h_ ' U). ‘ZN I.-i1 lllfilklgd C erhi 1,,-,1 (lllny ., ‘l"" -1r-* Cll'l ' ' ‘llL'llIL' I1 - °"f|'|‘l‘l Ill chin‘ "l ml" '‘ . ' 'lllL' 'i-_- or \\lIllL Cllflllll ii llllf ll! “ii In“ H “mic - ) I. _ l cl.1_\ r,.[,.W“'“. “lmi 1l[\\i1,ltlIllL' li'-rnril i I U ml“ "r L“ - sii .

_ lllll \\lllll' iii ii.1iiii.1|

l*'l' Inlnrnml iii»,-ir;

' "r (“N Inick-.l.iii or

""3 "-"-Tr, liiiiny L'rfl_\ ‘-lll,LlL Ci'IYflL'll

ri:iiirn l(‘I far in l»|.'icl. W M


0 Mill

“‘; \\lii|i- Cfl"I(- i.,-

clmiiiriic “I” in in.-iii”L.,.__.”»lLm4 “V” d in cliiircli, , "' «I an l N. r,‘ _—,d(.‘ Mr W“ _“ 1! men. \\i:.1r tlriniiiii ‘Him’ Lm”"1nd m‘l‘l"‘”' n in Ci'l'\(- and h"(k_k- . .. i an, Cqllflll} pr.[~i,,]_.“,_ " Iinr ll'I|lnL'l‘ niid llllki“p—; 1 ,- \\llll .<lill 5.. “T * "“—’~ ii)l’l\ hr iul1HM'l"l "mull an mcrms‘ I fl “" lirrc ls .1 Ci',ilI\lCll(in llfli ilii: Ci-iIh|n[_r mm ,_m_M_l M” M“ Tu“ '1 n'm‘Cl"‘ “"‘“N'r f('llll'n iil vlie \\lIllC slarcli.eel collar lnr lilhlngik W. T] lead oililnin d V » ' J mr W cnllir 1ii1:l lll llllr. M‘|l.U'll‘"‘1"‘l‘l‘° ' ' -"9 '~1Ir| \\lll lie ilifficiilr .\i_iliai.< ml |l]p

10 Ortrcrvmr. lilfiur W, are lllIJl\ll' in {:iilii..-.1

ni:i9eul'ii~ic mrieii hi iv Il-i l . -

K‘ ‘Oil collar Tl'i'lCll(‘Ll ii< prr-ii-:n[ l”""‘-“Cl” llmr Ef\lllf.llil41l| lw' iliai lllr‘ ncll drizuctl man n«\H<[ \\‘("”r 1 .m'{ 0., .. -V’ “‘. C ll‘H' ‘l lii< ~i.1soii uill ]’VFDl1nl\l)' “H. W355 their irninnvli iir ihi-ir fnrilier


Thc vmeniilil ': rifiin in lw <i-iii in hm-i\'ii 5'-llil-\lL"n e ri iliilisl-i l1I‘n\\i-1 :~lnpl(‘ l'1rL‘i’I:=li‘i.l l\i‘n»l~i-iilivivi jricl-lei \\llll tan sliiiri and crillnr lir llliilrll, dark lV|'0l\n coliiil culrir ciai .1r.iiiili.1n «alt lL'll l‘ll~'ll\t' Ii pil-c:i~'lIii: cnriil'iiii.1iirii-i l'or llll‘ ml. lii-niritc «ct iliie sn:i[-i lirii-ii, r:i\\- eilue full i. slill ~‘ill]"3l'L‘lvlr]iC flllllllllflll iliiv \\i-li In-im h 2: eninied rnpiiilly i‘ll‘l<Ll nill, no ilnnlii, srwiii ~iiip.1sc ihie mu L'i‘ll.‘l‘ C'.1n1cl lmir imp m.ii< are in i-liiciiilril frivr-r, lr-itli raulan niii-il «:1 in, and tl-iiu liii-.i\ icr miiicl l'l-'|l‘l’ m.1i< in nriiiiiriil lflli -zl-i.-idic< .'iri: pr»ipi~il:Ir liiir niinivr Cnliirml rnuflltrs Sl‘ll’l'i|vll[‘)iLl iliie l-IlL‘Cl\ ml at ll-‘Ni lii:ilf iliii‘ nun inn Ilii-r: cirv nnil iliie d:i<li ril cnlnr niililirl in .1 l‘il\lil’ (INN IS rim to lll‘ des- piml.

l liiu c‘lii.'irI "CL;|<'[llll|4

Ru rnu rlrnun in rniininn ii] Mr Ihi rry Jimrn

“That’s the most natural photograph I’ve ever seen”

.1 minpri:li:,ii<,i\e nviiru livr lririn.1l

livlliiuin: i~ -if H.1\‘E ynii ever lll‘i’ll'll .1 per-aim sri_\' tlim? .\lriyhe you lmre s':ii'd it _\-nur- cclf. A true—m-life pnrtr.-iit of .i fricnd—;i rcl.'itivi?—i'< .'il\\:ii< nl iii- terest.Of<.1tisfnctiun, nut only tn _\IIll. it: piissessiii-_ but all tlm<e tn irliuiii it IN‘ iziven. lt I3 .1 l'(‘lTl('llllll‘.IllL'(‘ lasts for .’lll time.

win (it

Jmnm. .41 (hit. Sin and


Rerepluiai-i, Ilull,


-uilk liiii-rl viiifilw

Siitli portrait: as these wine frnni tlie !\_\lctt <tiiilin~. Hero. II ‘[1('Ll:1ll'} is made inf simple. mmirnl yiliimIi_'~ niphi l’1Illl'i1ll’R In Ai'li'l’t iiri‘ nut i'\peii<i\e~lrnin $25 per (l||Z(‘lI.


[r|l‘l‘ll viI\lrl‘v|l'll .=illi'l< Hr Fr:-riclii ‘lllnrl; .~:i‘|‘l< lilfll" “V llL'||"“l

i;:.i"‘:.‘“,.,::::."..f;' ..“.:.'.n'.:

"‘l1\ll{ ill'Yll_‘ iir Km." Ur Iirlmk Mill lull l

iiii nlml llrIl‘n

Cllllilfl‘ min \\'liilv ‘Him

l i.ii-ii. rlly nr llrllM\\|l||.'


Tcleplioiic Elam (1714

liliirk niiil ulin» iir Rm.‘ .’\lIll uliiiu

\\ l7|lI or iiiiiimil iliunww HY Iiiirk i'iii.-iiii-imiiiiiiiiimini '


lilnvk Ilnil

l ,.r lvllllkl _ I >

iiiiirk -ilk S‘-llllr i-Imka

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