  • Mary Josephine Trotter Benson was an active journalist in Toronto as well as a published poet.
  • Maritime author Mary Kinley Ingraham contributed poetry to a wide range of periodicals and also published several volumes of non-fiction.
  • 2018-08-01
    Mary Leslie wrote three novels set in the region near Guelph, ON, one of which—The Cromaboo Mail Carrier (1878)—created considerable controversy.
  • Although born in Nova Scotia, Mary Loretto Weekes was best known for her fiction and non-fiction about Saskatchewan, written after she settled in Regina in 1914.
  • 2018-05-18
    Born in Winnipeg but primarily a resident of the United States, Mary MacLane achieved notoriety with her controversial best-selling memoir, published when she was only nineteen.
  • Born in Quebec, journalist Mary MacLeod Moore moved to London and was especially noted for her first-hand coverage of the First World War.
  • 2018-05-18
    Scottish-born Mary Maitland arrived in Canada in 1857. Here she contributed to many magazines and issued two volumes of poetry.
  • 2018-08-01
    Born in Ontario and later a resident of Western Canada, Mary Matheson contributed her Verses to periodicals and issued some sixteen chapbooks of poetry.
  • 2018-05-18
    Born in Scotland and raised in Montreal, Mary Morgan travelled extensively and published at least half a dozen volumes of poetry.
  • 2018-05-18
    Best known as a Hollywood movie star, Toronto-born Gladys Louise Smith, whose professional name was "Mary Pickford," also published three novels, four volumes of memoirs, and several religious...
  • Toronto-based Mary Quayle Innis wrote many short stories for Canadian cultural magazines as well as serious non-fiction, including a standard economic history of Canada.
  • Born in England, Mary Rice Schooley settled in Vancouver, BC, after her marriage and issued a single collection of poetry in 1936.
  • Mary Sarah Snell spent most of her life in New Brunswick and issued two volumes of writings despite losing her sight during childhood.
  • Well-known for her exploration of Maligne Lake, Mary Schaffer Warren published several articles and books about the Canadian Rockies.
  • Mary Sollace Saxe, long-time librarian at the Westmount Public Library in Montreal, published poetry, journalism, drama, and a children's novel.
  • Some of the stories and poems by Ottawa-based Mary Stewart Durie were published in a memorial volume after her death.
  • A contributor of many poems to the Canadian Poetry Magazine, Mary Woodworth Lorton seems to have spent most of her life in Nova Scotia.
  • Mary van der Mark, the mother of writer Christine van der Mark, published a few items in periodicals.
  • Born in Nova Scotia, Matilda Moore Faulkner Churchill spent most of her adult years as a Baptist missionary in India and published an account of her experiences in 1916.
  • Matilda Maranda Crawford published one volume of poems, some of which also apopeared in magazines.
  • After her children were grown, Matilda Ridout Edgar turned to historical writing, much of it based on her own family.
  • 2018-05-18
    Toronto-born Maud Allan, well-known for her daring dance creations, wrote about her art in her only book, My Life and Dancing (1908).
  • Maud Morrison Stone's major publication was This Canada of Ours, an illustrated book for children that was also syndicated in major periodicals.
  • 2018-05-18
    Maud Ogilvy published poetry and prose that reflected her origins in Montreal, QC.
  • 2018-05-18
    Maude Abbott earned renown as one of Canada's first female medical doctors. She established a career as a practitioner and researcher in Montreal, teaching at McGill University and producing a vast...
  • Maude Elizabeth Paterson, who taught kindergarten in Toronto for 45 years, assembled A Child's Garden of Stories (1911), an anthology that includes much of her own writing.
  • A life-long resident of the Eastern Townships in Quebec, Maude Pellerin published stories of local history in the region's newspapers as well as several volumes of prose and poetry.
  • Maude Pettit Hill Beaton published her first novel at the age of nineteen. A journalist in Toronto, she was an active member of the Canadian Women's Press Club.
  • 2018-05-18
    Mavis Gallant spent most of her adult life in Paris, where she established herself as one of Canada’s most outstanding authors of literary short stories.
  • Born in New Brunswick, May Agnes Fleming was a prolific author who produced forty-seven popular novels, many issued as serials.
  • 2018-05-18
    A lifelong resident of the province of Quebec, May Austin Low published one verified volume of poetry.
  • After her husband died, May Harvey Drummond edited his work and published some of her own writing.
  • One of Canada's most popular novelists, Mazo de la Roche was best known for her enduring series of Jalna books.
  • Melba Morris Croft spent most of her life in Owen Sound, ON, where she published two volumes of poetry before writing many books about the region's local history.
  • 2018-05-18
    Born in Quebec City, Melita O'Hara led a colourful life as a journalist and travel writer and later became an American citizen.
  • After her death in 1937, some of Mia Farquharson Douglas's writings were published as a pamphlet.
  • 2018-05-18
    Primarily a journalist, Mildred Low also published poetry and edited the Church of England Handbook.
  • Mina Hubbard became a writer only because her first husband's tragic death in the interior wilderness of Labrador inspired her to follow his route, a journey that resulted in her book, A Woman's...
  • Karyn Huenemann
  • Recipient of several university degrees, Minnie Blanche Bishop contributed poetry to many periodicals during her lifetime, and was commemorated in a collection of her poems issued after her death.

