The Dynamic Table of Context (DToC) lets users reveal information about their text that is not necessarily discovered when reading, such as word frequencies. DToC also allows users to customize their document with annotations and adding tags.
The homepage of DToC lets users enter URLs, text, or XML documents. DToC is optimized for XML documents. Users upload pre existing XML documents by selecting the gear icon in the top right corner and then following the steps described in the “Upload your XML document to DToC” (linked below).
Additionally, users can paste/type in a URL or non-XML text into the text box provided on the first page of DToC.
Once you have enter the text, the “Reveal” button moves you into the main page of DToC.
The Dynamic Tables of Contexts is divided into four columns.
The text area contains the text of the document you’ve uploaded or entered into DToC. If your document has multiple sections then only the first section is visible in the text area when DToC loads. Below the text, at the bottom of the column, is a “Next Chapter” button (and/or a “Previous Chapter depending on what section you are viewing) that allows users to navigate between different sections of a document or different components of a collection.
The document model contains multiple lines that represent paragraphs of your document and are divided into sections or chapters by white spaces. These lines can become highlighted if they contain an index term, tag, or stat from the left column. Additionally, you can click on one of the lines to move the text area to that section of the text.
The table of contents displays the multiple sections or chapters of your document in a list. You can move between sections or chapters by clicking on the different titles located in the Table of Contents. This will reload the text in the right column to the section or chapter you’ve selected.
The left column provides you with four options to explore your text.
The Table of Contents, “Index,” and “Tag” tabs are only available if you upload an XML document with a structure compatible with DToC. See “Upload your XML document to DToC” (linked below) for more information and one of the XML document templates to get started.