Welcome to CWRC-Writer

Welcome to CWRC-Writer, here we describe how to get started using the editor and what to look out for.

Introduction to getting started in CWRC-Writer

To get started in CWRC-Writer, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the editor in a sample document first, and then moving on to trying to create a new document if you wish.

Please, handle with care:
  • For the moment, CWRC-Writer is optimized for Firefox and Chrome.
  • Please do not use your browser's "Undo" button. We are working towards making this option usable within CWRC-Writer, however currently it does not work and using it may cause unpredictable results.
  • Allow CWRC-Writer a few seconds to load each page.
    Tip: If you interrupt the loading process you may have to shut down and reopen CWRC_Writer to continue working with this tool. You can open a saved document or a new template using the "Load" button on the toolbar. The CWRC logo in the upper left corner will take you outside the CWRC-Writer to the CWRC website (www.cwrc.ca). The new entity data option VIAF and GeoNames also take a few seconds to load. Thank you for your patience.
  • If you are having problems with CWRC-Writer, please clear your browser cache.
  • If the problem persists, please email cwrc@ualberta.ca
If you are having problems with CWRC-Writer, please clear your browser cache. If the problem persists, please email cwrc@ualberta.ca