Saving your document

CWRC-Writer allows you to save documents you have created on our server as temporary test files to work with. At the moment, however, we do not have individual authentication setup for each user, so it's best if you do not play with each other's files: this way each tester can have his/her own files to alter, add to, and so forth.

  1. Click on the Save toolbar button.

  2. Enter the title of the document, and click Save.
    Adding your initials to the beginning (e.g. MS) is a good way to indicate to others that it is a file created by another CWRC-Writer tester. You may only enter upper or lowercase letter; no numbers, spaces, or punctuation are allowed.

  3. Once you clicked on Save, the document validates and is successfully saved.
    If the document is not valid, a pop-up will appear and you will be asked if you would like to save anyway.